VanEck Morningstar International Wide Moat ETF
VanEck Morningstar International Wide Moat ETF
as at 25-Mar-25 -
Total Net Assets$50.65M
Dividend Frequency1 each year
Management fee (p.a.)0.55%
Number of securities64
Inception Date08-Sep-20

Fund Description
GOAT gives investors exposure to a diversified portfolio of attractively priced international 'wide moat' companies with sustainable competitive advantages for 20 years or more. GOAT aims to provide investment returns before fees and other costs which track the performance of the Index.
Key benefits
High conviction wide moat international equity strategy
A focus on international companies Morningstar believes possess sustainable competitive advantages, or with 'wide' Economic Moats™.
Attractive valuations
Targets companies trading at attractive prices relative to Morningstar's estimate of fair value.
Morningstar's core equity research
Fuelled by Morningstar's rigorous equity research process.
Index Key points
Underlying Index
Morningstar® Developed Markets ex-Australia Wide Moat Focus Select Index™
The Index Composition
The Index contains at least 50 and up to 100 international companies with sustainable competitive advantages trading at attractive valuations according to Morningstar.
Companies eligible for inclusion in the Index
- Derived from Morningstar® Developed Markets ex-Australia Index™ (Parent Index)
- Assigned an Economic Moat™ rating of 'wide' by Morningstar's equity research team
- Assigned a fair value estimate by Morningstar's equity research team
Methodology highlights
Staggered reconstitutionIndex is divided into two equally-weighted sub-portfolios, and each is reconstituted and rebalanced semi-annually on alternating quarters.
Each sub-portfolio is reweighted to 50% of the total index every six months.
Buffer ruleAt each quarterly review, current index constituents ranked within the top 100 of the eligible universe based on current market price/fair value ratio are given preference for inclusion
From among the remaining eligible securities, those with the lowest current market price/fair value ratios are included in the index.
Sector/country cap: The greater of 40% or corresponding weight in Parent Index +10%
Index provider
Morningstar Australasia Pty Ltd. Morningstar is not a related body corporate of VanEck.
The Morningstar® Developed Markets ex-Australia Wide Moat Focus Select Index™ and the Morningstar® Developed Markets ex-Australia Index™ ('The Morningstar Indices') are created and maintained by Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar, Inc. does not sponsor, endorse, issue, sell, or promote GOAT and bears no liability with respect to GOAT or any security. Morningstar®, the Morningstar Indices and Morningstar Economic Moat™ are trademarks of Morningstar, Inc. and have been licensed for use by VanEck.
Holdings & allocations
Election of Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)
You can elect DRP by logging into Link’s Investor Centre (https://investorcentre.linkmarketservices.com.au/Login). Once you are logged in, please proceed to the “Payments and Tax” tab and select “Reinvestment Update”.