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ETF Performance

Index Performance

Showing 39 of 39 total indices | as of 28/02/25Clear filters
Index Code Name ETF 1 mth % 6 mth % 1 yr % 3 yr % p.a. 5 yr % p.a. 10 yr % p.a. Since Inception % p.a.
S&P/ASX Government Bond 1-5 Year Index
1GOV 0.52 1.60 4.21 1.67 0.77 1.77 4.85
S&P/ASX Government Bond 5-10 Year Index
5GOV 1.21 0.75 4.07 -0.45 -1.28 1.89 5.65
FTSE China A50 Net Tax AUD Index
CETF 3.05 20.68 19.38 -0.69 2.44 4.03 1.69
S&P Global Clean Energy Select Index
CLNE 1.55 -10.67 -14.73 -13.46 -1.85 3.35 -12.24
MarketGrader China New Economy Index
CNEW 1.01 34.41 12.17 -4.70 1.13 5.88 8.89
MarketVector Global Defence Industry (AUD) Index
DFND 4.33 26.00 42.48 37.37 -- -- 28.60
Morningstar Australia Dividend Yield Focus Equal Weighted Index
DVDY -1.79 3.91 10.23 7.75 6.22 5.36 8.01
MSCI Emerging Markets Multi-Factor Select Index
EMKT -1.55 6.76 13.77 12.08 10.24 8.45 7.61
MSCI World ex Australia ex Fossil Fuel Select SRI and Low Carbon Capped Index
ESGI 0.31 6.14 12.71 15.11 12.74 11.18 12.67
MVIS Global Video Gaming and eSports Index
ESPO 4.56 40.57 54.85 22.20 21.77 27.50 16.26
Bloomberg AusBond Credit FRN 0+ Yr Index
FLOT 0.47 2.71 5.66 4.32 2.95 2.89 2.84
NYSE Arca Gold Miners Index
GDX 2.32 13.56 60.39 12.39 10.96 10.36 12.32
MVIS Australia Equal Weight Index
GMVW -3.20 3.99 8.56 9.15 9.44 8.77 9.91
Morningstar Developed Markets ex-Australia Wide Moat Focus Select Index™
GOAT 0.81 8.32 14.08 10.92 11.23 12.45 12.63
LPX50 Index
GPEQ -4.70 20.56 26.69 18.37 18.88 15.47 11.71
MSCI Australia IMI Select SRI Screened Index
GRNV -2.85 4.25 10.88 9.99 8.68 -- 7.61
MarketGrader Developed Markets Health Care Net Return AUD Index
HLTH -1.90 0.60 6.92 4.06 6.55 11.07 4.83
MSCI World ex Australia Enhanced Value Top 250 Select 100% Hedged to AUD Index
HVLU 2.17 6.34 11.99 9.56 10.89 6.49 17.67
FTSE Developed Core Infrastructure 50/50 Hedged into Australian Dollars Index
IFRA 2.36 3.36 17.95 4.84 4.80 -- 6.61
LPX Listed Private Credit AUD Hedged Index
LEND 0.65 9.33 14.12 5.74 7.53 6.15 13.50
Morningstar® Wide Moat Focus NR AUD Hedged Index™
MHOT -3.85 -2.94 5.89 6.44 11.73 11.66 16.70
Morningstar® Wide Moat Focus NR AUD
MOAT -3.53 6.58 12.26 14.76 15.03 15.91 16.09
MVIS Australia A – REITs Index
MVA -1.23 0.91 10.97 3.68 3.70 7.21 9.42
MVIS Australia Banks Index
MVB -5.74 3.73 21.13 15.52 13.38 7.88 9.50
S&P/ASX MidCap 50 Index
MVE -4.65 2.98 9.77 7.88 11.41 9.57 5.58
MVIS Australia Resources Index
MVR -3.31 1.85 -5.84 4.06 8.86 9.69 8.35
MarketGrader Australia Small Cap 60 Index
MVS -2.79 2.37 3.77 1.56 5.09 5.58 5.56
MVIS Australia Equal Weight Index
MVW -3.20 3.99 8.56 9.15 9.44 8.77 9.57
iBoxx AUD Corporates Yield Plus Mid Price Index
PLUS 1.03 2.84 7.28 2.65 1.35 3.49 3.29
MSCI World ex Australia Quality 100% Hedged to AUD Index
QHAL -0.96 1.07 12.02 11.58 14.65 12.42 13.63
MSCI World ex Australia Small Cap Quality 150 100% Hedged to AUD Index
QHSM -5.13 -2.11 4.30 7.52 11.95 11.29 19.52
MSCI World ex Australia Small Cap Quality 150 Index
QSML -4.64 6.66 9.83 14.35 14.49 13.92 12.79
MSCI World ex Australia Quality Index
QUAL -0.48 9.21 17.52 18.33 16.76 15.19 16.89
FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed ex Australia Rental Index AUD Hedged
REIT 2.75 -1.65 11.14 -2.60 0.60 2.47 0.49
iBoxx AUD Investment Grade Subordinated Debt Mid Price Index
SUBD 0.61 3.49 7.25 5.56 4.27 -- 4.13
Bloomberg U.S. Treasury Bills: 1-3 Months Unhedged AUD Index
TBIL 0.63 11.65 10.11 9.72 3.32 4.19 9.43
MSCI World ex Australia Enhanced Value Top 250 Select Index
VLUE 3.15 12.64 14.92 11.94 10.05 7.77 12.27
ICE Global Carbon Futures Total Return Index
XCO2 -8.60 -1.17 13.37 -4.81 16.01 19.93 -1.82
S&P/ASX Government Bond 10-20 Year Index
XGOV 1.81 -0.26 3.38 -3.09 -3.70 1.47 5.66

Results are calculated to the last business day of the month and assume immediate reinvestment of distributions. ETF results are net of management fees and costs, but before brokerage fees or bid/ask spreads incurred when investors buy/sell on the ASX. Returns for periods longer than one year are annualised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future performance which may be lower or higher. Read the PDS and TMD. The Inception date for each fund is available on each fund’s snapshot page.

Inception refers to ETF commencement date on ASX. Results are calculated to the last business day of the month and assume immediate reinvestment of distributions. Returns for periods longer than one year are annualised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance which may be lower or higher. The performance of the index is not a reflection of the performance of the ETF. You cannot invest in an index.

* The performance of MGAUSCTR, XINA50AN, MSADYEGA, NA749434, MSDAWSNA, GA726304, ICBNAUDT reflect that of a blended index.