VanEck Bentham Global Capital Securities Active ETF
VanEck Bentham Global Capital Securities Active ETF
as at 25-Mar-25 -
Total Net Assets$29.46M
Dividend FrequencyMonthly
Management fee (p.a.)0.59%
Number of securities75
Inception Date03-Aug-21

Fund Description
GCAP aims to provide investors with a professionally managed active strategy in global Capital Securities. The fund aims to provide total investment returns, measured over the long term in excess of the Benchmark.
Benchmark: RBA Cash Rate + 3% per annum
Key benefits
Global income opportunity
Capital securities offers an opportunity for investors to diversify their income away from Australian exposures by harnessing a deep and sizeable global universe including AT1 and Contingent Convertibles (CoCos) bonds.
Actively managed by leading global credit specialists
Professionally managed by Bentham Asset Management, a leading and award-winning global credit specialist with a deep track record and strong pedigree of investing.
Fundamental high conviction exposure
A high conviction portfolio selected on the basis of top-down and fundamental credit analysis.
Holdings & allocations
Election of Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)
You can elect DRP by logging into Link’s Investor Centre (https://investorcentre.linkmarketservices.com.au/Login). Once you are logged in, please proceed to the “Payments and Tax” tab and select “Reinvestment Update”.