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VLUEAU VanEck MSCI International Value ETF Please read important disclosure Close important disclosure false
  • VLUE
    VanEck MSCI International Value ETF

    VanEck MSCI International Value ETF

    • NAV

      as at 04-Oct-24
    • Total Net Assets
    • Dividend Frequency
      1 each year
    • Management fee (p.a.)
    • Number of securities
    • Inception Date
    The NAV is generally calculated daily after all markets are closed for that day based on the closing price of the securities on the relevant foreign stock exchange. The NAV is then converted to AUD based on the relevant London WM Reuters 4pm exchange rate. This means, due to Australia’s time zone, that the NAV will generally not be updated until around 1pm next business day.


    Fund Description

    Our international value ETF, VLUE gives investors a diversified portfolio of 250 international developed market large- and mid-cap companies, with high value scores as calculated by MSCI at each rebalance. Our international value ETF aims to provide investment returns, before fees and other costs, which track the performance of the Index.

    Key points

    International companies exhibiting value characteristics

    Access a portfolio of international companies that are selected for their high value score relative to sector peers as measured by MSCI based on: (i) price to book value; (ii) price to forward earnings; and (iii) enterprise value to cash flow from operations.

    Long term focus, capturing value across the market cycle

    The index is designed to capture a high level of exposure to value while minimising unintended and unwanted sector bets.

    Diversified across countries, sectors and companies

    Offering investors a portfolio of 250 companies across a range of geographies, sectors and economies.

    Index Key points

    Index name
    MSCI World ex Australia Enhanced Value Top 250 Select Index

    The Index measures the performance of 250 international developed market large- and mid-cap companies selected from the MSCI World ex Australia Index, with high value scores relative to their industry peers as calculated by MSCI at each rebalance. Exclusions apply for weapons and tobacco (subject to threshold screening).

    Summary of Index calculation methodology
    A five step process is followed to determine the Index:

    1. Eligible universe
    The eligible universe is all the companies in the MSCI World ex Australia Index (“Parent Index”) which is a traditional free-float adjusted market capitalisation (“FMC”) weighted index.

    2. Securities are screened for exclusion based on the following business activities:

    Business activities Exclusion
    Conventional weapons All companies deriving:
    • 5% or more revenue from the production of conventional weapons; or
    • 15% or more aggregate revenue from weapons systems, components, and support systems and services.
    Controversial weapons

    All companies with an involvement in the production of cluster bombs, landmines, depleted uranium weapons, chemical and biological weapons, blinding lasers, non-detectable fragments and incendiary weapons.

    • Cluster Bombs
      • cluster bombs and munitions, or the essential components of these products.
    • Landmines
      • anti‐personnel landmines, anti‐vehicle landmines, or the essential components of these products.
    • Depleted Uranium Weapons  
      • depleted uranium weapons and armor.
    • Chemical and Biological Weapons
      • chemical and biological weapons, or the essential components of these products.
    • Blinding Laser Weapons
      • weapons utilising laser technology to cause permanent blindness.
    • Non-Detectable Fragments
      • weapons that use non-detectable fragments to inflict injury.
    • Incendiary Weapons (White Phosphorus)
      • weapons using white phosphorus.

    For more details, refer to the methodology of the MSCI Global Ex-Controversial Weapons Indexes available in the documents section below.

    Nuclear weapons All companies that:
    • manufacture nuclear warheads and/or whole nuclear missiles; or
    • manufacture components that were developed or are significantly modified for exclusive use in nuclear weapons (warheads and missiles); or
    • manufacture or assemble delivery platforms that were developed or significantly modified for the exclusive delivery of nuclear weapons; or
    • provide auxiliary services related to nuclear weapons; or
    • manufacture components that were not developed or not significantly modified for exclusive use in nuclear weapons (warheads and missiles) but can be used in nuclear weapons; or
    • manufacture or assemble delivery platforms that were not developed or not significantly modified for the exclusive delivery of nuclear weapons but have the capability to deliver nuclear weapons; or
    • manufacture components for nuclear-exclusive delivery platforms.
    Tobacco All companies:
    • classified as a “Producer”; or
    • deriving 5% or more aggregate revenue from the production, distribution, retail and supply of tobacco-related products.

    The effectiveness of an exclusionary screen is limited by the accuracy, completeness and accessibility of information and disclosure the relevant entity makes available or is willing to make available. There may be instances where the above screens may not exclude a company if data about the company is incomplete, inaccurate or unavailable.

    You may have differing views, opinions and understanding of the meaning of the terminology used in this section and PDS, to VanEck or MSCI or their third party providers (including ESG research providers), and therefore your expectations of permitted investments may be different to the actual investments of the Fund.

    3. Value
    MSCI calculates a value score for each remaining company in the universe based on the following fundamental accounting variables:

    a) price-to-book value;
    b) price-to-forward earnings; and
    c) enterprise value-to-cash flow from operations.

    Companies are ranked by value score and a fixed number required to cover 30% of the FMC of the Parent Index are selected, with the aim of attaining a high exposure to the value factor, while maintaining sufficient market capitalisation and number of companies covered. At the date of this PDS, 350 companies are included.
    Constituents are then weighted with a tilt to value as follows:

              Value weight = Value score x FMC weight in the Parent Index

    4. Select top 250
    The top 250 companies by value weight are then selected for the Index.

    5. Weighting
    The weights of the final 250 constituents are then:

    (i) adjusted proportionately based on their value weight in step 3; and
    (ii) normalised so that sectors in the Index represent the same weight as the Parent Index.


    The Index is reviewed and rebalanced on a semi-annual basis, usually as of the close of the last business day of May and November. The value scores are recalculated at the end of April and October and used for May and November rebalances respectively.

    For full details of the methodology, click here.

    Index provider
    MSCI Inc (“MSCI”). MSCI is not a related body corporate of VanEck.

    VLUE is indexed to a MSCI index. VLUE is not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to VLUE or the MSCI World ex Australia Enhanced Value Top 250 Select Index. The PDS contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with VanEck and VLUE.


    Holdings & allocations


    Election of Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

    You can elect DRP by logging into Link’s Investor Centre ( Once you are logged in, please proceed to the “Payments and Tax” tab and select “Reinvestment Update”.

    Documents & insights

    VLUEAU /blog/international-equity/