VanEck FTSE Global Infrastructure (AUD Hedged) ETF
VanEck FTSE Global Infrastructure (AUD Hedged) ETF
as at 07-Mar-25 -
Total Net Assets$1.26B
Dividend Frequency4 each year
Management fee (p.a.)0.20%
Number of securities133
Inception Date29-Apr-16

Fund Description
Our global infrastructure ETF, IFRA gives investors exposure to a diversified portfolio of infrastructure securities listed on exchanges in developed markets around the world. Our global infrastructure ETF aims to provide investment returns, before fees and other costs, which track the performance of the Index.
Key benefits
Global infrastructure exposure
Access to a diversified portfolio that provides targeted exposure to listed global infrastructure companies.
Infrastructure provides investors with stable income
Global infrastructure assets have provided investors with inflation-linked and regulated income.
Diversified across companies and sub-sectors
Company and sector capping provides comprehensive exposure with diversification across companies and sub-sectors.
Australian dollar currency hedged
Index Key points
Underlying Index: FTSE Developed Core Infrastructure 50/50 Hedged into Australian Dollars Index (FDCICAHN).
The Index comprises:
The eligible universe of securities is the FTSE Global Equity Index Series.
FTSE screens the eligible universe to include only companies in subsectors related to core infrastructure businesses according to Industry Benchmark Classification plus the infrastructure related subsector, specialty REITs.
Only companies with at least 65% of their revenue attributable to core infrastructure activities are included.
The weight of each company is then capped to limit the exposure to particular infrastructure subsectors as follows:
- 50% Utilities;
- 30% Transportation; and
- 20% Others eg Pipelines
Companies within Transportation are further capped as follows:
- 17.5% Heavy construction; transportation services; and business support services;
- 12.5% Railroads; travel & tourism.
Individual stocks are capped at 5%
The Index is notionally hedged into Australian dollars by rolling one-month forward foreign exchange contracts. As a result the Index is not fully hedged and retains some exposure to currency movements.
Index provider:
FTSE International Limited (FTSE), a member of the London Stock Exchange. FTSE is not a related body corporate of VanEck Investments Limited.
Holdings & allocations
Election of Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)
You can elect DRP by logging into Link’s Investor Centre (https://investorcentre.linkmarketservices.com.au/Login). Once you are logged in, please proceed to the “Payments and Tax” tab and select “Reinvestment Update”.